I do not like Weissbeir (literally: wheat beer, or hefeweizen), as a general rule. Good with fruit, but that’s about it. So imagine my surprise when Maisel’s Weisse was just ‘okay’!
I should probably point out that the beers I posted today were not all consumed today. So. Don’t judge.
Four different beers the first day, eh? You are adapting well, young padawan. About that bit where all German beers taste alike: that is decreed by federal law. It’s called the purity law. No exotic stuff permitted in German beer, if you put something funny in, you are not allowed to sell it as beer. But, hey! At least we put different labels on the bottles.
Anyway the differences in German beers are in the details, the water, the fermentation. You’ll get a taste for it.
The purity law is an interesting thing. I’ve known about it for many years now, but I haven’t really researched it deeply. I’m finding conflicting information, so more research is required. I’ll post the details when I feel I’ve figured it all out.
Are German schoolchildren taught the details in elementary school?
seems a bit unfair to say that the Reinheitsgebot dictates that all German beer should TASTE the same! Even American IPAs meet the purity law standards, but they use different amounts and types of ingredients and different methods. (I don’t think you’ll find many german beers with “dry-hop” on the label.) I would argue that the German people just tend to be less adventurous with their beer flavors, and that’s why regional beers are pretty similar in style and flavor. The difference between a northern Jever and a southern Tannenzäpfle is pretty stark. (The Holsten posted later is a pretty average north german pilsner.) If you get bored of the southern style and want more hops action, Altbier is a nice change (one might suggest trying Hövels or Uerige)…note: do not expect Altbierbowle to resemble beer.
the only non-Reinheitsgebot German beer I know of is Gose, brewed with coriander and salt. delicious, and a nice change of pace!
this is awesome. (im jealous of your beer log.) i also find your multiple partial translations of hauswirtschaftsleiterin pretty fantastic. post some pictures of downtown stuttgart!
Done! Remember it? I didn’t, until I saw the ball fountain.
I have the feeling that the beer log is going to quickly overshadow the rest of the content. And then everyone will think I’m a alcoholic.
This assumes, of course, that I actually travel to other cities around here, and track down new beers.