Belgian Gas Station Snacks

Last Thursday was a national holiday, so we took a four day vacation and went to Brussels. I’ve been sorting through my photos, trying to pick a photo that best describes the adventure and culture.

Belgian Gas Station Snacks

So many snack possibilities

Mr. and Ms. Kreckel, our driving trip friends, wouldn’t stop at all the gas stations between Germany and Brussels. So we had to compromise, and buy all our snacks here. I got “bolganiese” flavored chips. Alissa got some meat snacks. They were selling huge tubs of loose “American Tobacco”. I would have gotten one, but we haven’t yet taken up smoking.

Anyway, it was a huge success. We ate everything we bought, plus all the snacks the Kreckels purchased for themselves. Sliced meats, gummy bears, chips, chocolate hearts; pretty much all food related items that ended up in the back seat were consumed. We’re pretty proud of ourselves.

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